What's Included with all Options - Click here for details


Welcome To Our Website


Option #1: Legacy System


.   Website Content Management - Custom written applications for editing and managing your website.  Just like typing in a text document or word processor. You also have the ability to include code to enhance the look of your website, if you choose.

The Simple Content Management System allows you to Manage Your Lodge Website Easily and Effortlessly. You can Edit, Modify and Perform Updates to your website as often as you like and as easily as you would any word processing document. Any Lodge Brother appointed by the Worshipful Master can keep your Lodge's web content up to date. No knowledge of html programming or web design knowledge is necessary.

.   Choice of 36 Professionally Custom Designed Templates - You are able to change templates anytime, you are not locked in to a single choice in case you changed your mind. Let us know which template you wish to switch to and we will change it for you up to twice per year.

18 Page Website :

  • Home
  • History
  • Officers with Bio & Photo
  • Trestle Board (Upcoming Events)
  • Lodge Activities
  • Message From the East
  • Message From the West
  • Message From the South
  • Secretary's Memo
  • Past Masters with Photos
  • Newsletter (uploaded in .pdf format)
  • Called From Labor (Obituary)
  • Photo Gallery
  • Masonic FAQ
  • Masonic Links
  • Directions (With embeded link to google map or mapquest)
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Form

All for only $99 per year
on the square and on the level
No additional or hidden costs


Visit our demo Lodge website and test the features first hand. Feel free to modify information on the demo Lodge site so you can see for yourself how easy it is to use. .

Lodge Website: https://www.lodgepages.com
Content Management: https://www.lodgepages.com/Manage
Username: Demo
Password: demolodge2024
Username and Password are case sensitive.
Demo Site Content will be reset every 12 hours.


Please fill out all of the fields; All requested information below
must be provided before we can start setting up your new website.

Lodge Name and Number:
Lodge Address:
Lodge City, State/Country, Zip:
Lodge Phone Number:
Preferred Domain Name:
Contact Person Name:
Contact Person Email Address:
Contact Person Phone Number:
Template Number of your Choice:
Referred By:

If you prefer to pay by check; please click here to print and fill out Registration form.

Mail the completed form along with your payment to the address provided on the form and your new website will be ready in 10 to 14 days.

Please allow 48 hours for online payments and complete lodge information for domain registration and setup of your website.

Upon completion of setup process an email with instructions for accessing your new website will be sent to the 'Contact Person Email Address' provided.

Terms & Conditions:
Masonic Pages website packages are intended to be used by Masonic Lodges or Masonic affiliated organizations. We reserve the right to refuse service to any anti-Masonic or non-Masonic entity. All websites hosted by Masonic Pages are frequently inspected for content. Any website found containing anti-Masonic, offensive material, pornographic material, (or any other content unbecoming a mason), as well as content that violates any Local, State, Federal, or International laws, will be terminated without notice or refund.

Pre-payment is required on all accounts and are paid in US dollars. This is an annual subscription. The PayPal account of record when the subscription was initiated will be charged automatically upon the renewal date annually. Cancelling a subscription will terminate the account at the end of that pre-paid period unless otherwise instructed. Lodges that want to request an alternate billing procedure can email the request to masonicpages@gmail.com. All requests must be submitted 90 days prior to the renewal date to prevent interruption of service.

This offer is only available for use through www.masonicpages.com, a Division of Absolute Solutions, Inc. All programs, templates, user manuals, etc. used in conjunction with this offer are the intellectual property of Absolute Solutions, Inc. and may not be used on any other server, website or media without the written consent of Absolute Solutions, Inc.

Purchasing this subscription confirms your compliance with terms and conditions for use of this service.

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Option #2: Legacy plus Membership Management


This option is not currently available
We apologize for the inconvenience



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Option #3: Word Press


For brothern who are familiar with web design and would like to do all the design we offer Word Press hosting for a low cost of $99 per year.

Included with all Options - Click here for details

Disclaimer:   We will install the latest version of Word Press and since this is a third party application we will not be able to provide any support, the best we can do is to restore from back up in case there are some major problems.

All for only $99 per year
on the square and on the level
No additional or hidden costs


Please fill out all of the fields; All requested information below
must be provided before we can start setting up your new website.

Lodge Name and Number:
Lodge Address:
Lodge City, State/Country, Zip:
Lodge Phone Number:
Preferred Domain Name:
Contact Person Name:
Contact Person Email Address:
Contact Person Phone Number:
Referred By:

Please allow 48 hours for online payments and complete lodge information for domain registration and setup of your website.

Upon completion of setup process an email with instructions for accessing your new website will be sent to the 'Contact Person Email Address' provided.

Terms & Conditions:
Masonic Pages website packages are intended to be used by Masonic Lodges or Masonic affiliated organizations. We reserve the right to refuse service to any anti-Masonic or non-Masonic entity. All websites hosted by Masonic Pages are frequently inspected for content. Any website found containing anti-Masonic, offensive material, pornographic material, (or any other content unbecoming a mason), as well as content that violates any Local, State, Federal, or International laws, will be terminated without notice or refund.

Pre-payment is required on all accounts and are paid in US dollars. This is an annual subscription. The PayPal account of record when the subscription was initiated will be charged automatically upon the renewal date annually. Cancelling a subscription will terminate the account at the end of that pre-paid period unless otherwise instructed. Lodges that want to request an alternate billing procedure can email the request to masonicpages@gmail.com. All requests must be submitted 90 days prior to the renewal date to prevent interruption of service.

This offer is only available for use through www.masonicpages.com, a Division of Absolute Solutions, Inc. All programs, templates, user manuals, etc. used in conjunction with this offer are the intellectual property of Absolute Solutions, Inc. and may not be used on any other server, website or media without the written consent of Absolute Solutions, Inc.

Purchasing this subscription confirms your compliance with terms and conditions for use of this service.


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Included with all Options:
(as long as we are hosting your Lodge Website)


  • Free domain name registration and renewal (Valued at $19.49/yr for ".com" and $28.49/yr for ".org")
  • SSL Certificate (Valued at $80/yr) Your site will be https – This is a must for all websites these days
  • Website Hosting (Valued at $60/yr) Which includes
    • Unlimited Space
    • Unlimited Vistors
    • Unmetered Bandwidth
    • Dedicated IPv6 (Not offered by many hosting services)
    • 99.99% uptime
    • Backup 3 times per week (on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Sundays at 1:00 AM CST)
    • Firewall to block Hackers
    • Our Servers are located in USA
    • No setup or monthly hosting fees
    • Unlimited Email Support

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